Sunday, March 7, 2010

The First!

My first ever blog post in the World. Not exactly the first Love or the first kiss....but special in a way. Have never written anything formally before. Now what is writing informally? Who knows!
But its amazing how we all (trust me: invariably) feel some amount of excitement when we do (or get) something for the first time! And with the world full of so many possibilities it seems like the designer meant us to stay excited as long as we stayed here.
But then what of routine? You know, like the routine phone-call I get from my parents. I look forward to it everyday. I can only imagine, the routine of a couple madly in Love...they look forward to every bit of it everyday!
Also, a mother would be just as thrilled to have her second baby as she was at the time of her first (I had to add this, being the second baby of my mother).
We see so many new people each day, who we see for the first time...that doesn't make us go mad with excitement...that is a first in its own right...isn't it? So its not about the firsts then. Or is it?
I look forward to the phonecall from my parents everyday because that is their first call in 24-hours for me. In the whole day, that is the first time when I get to be the little 22-year old who hates homework, and not the 22-year old manager in making who must appreciate the learning value of every assignment she does.
For the couple in Love, even a casual glance at each other is a moment of falling in Love all over again. So it is a first for them!!
For the mother who just had her second child......need I even explain this one??? :)
And the people we see everyday.....we look at them just like we have been looking at every passer-by on the its not a first anymore.
Hey! Blog-writing was simple! And its such a cool feeling!! Wonder why I never did it before....Yay!!